Welcome. Please review the information below for private tutoring:
*All private tutoring sessions will meet at our Cornelius office location.
Private tutoring with Dane is our most popular product. As a result, he is usually full 2-4 months out. In order to be fair to all parties interested in private tutoring, we require a fully refundable $595 deposit.
While we may be able to add students at any time, the tutoring calendar is cyclical. Most openings occur in mid-June (summer), mid-October (after the seniors leave the roster), and at the new year. Priority will be given to families with a history of working with Dane in the past.
When a spot becomes available, you will be invited to schedule your first appointment, and your deposit will be applied to the first six sessions of private tutoring. If the offered spot is at an inconvenient time, you will be able to retain your spot at the top of the waitlist.
Please note that there is no guarantee of placement. We understand that the uncertainty of the waitlist is inconvenient, but we will publish an updated waitlist every first and third Monday. You may request to be removed from the waitlist at any time, and you will receive a full refund.